Palau Adventist Schools consist of Seventh-day Adventist Elementary School (SDA Elementary School) and Palau Mission Academy (PMA, high school). It began 1953 as a primary school. Then in 1961 it extended to secondary school. The first graduation of the elementary school was 1961 and about 13 students graduated. In 1964 the Palau Academy (former name of Palau Mission Academy) certified its first graduates with four students.Â
In 1967 a typhoon demolished the academy classrooms leaving the door open for consideration of a new location. At the same time the enrollment outgrowth the limited campus size so plans began to be laid and God opened the way for the establishment of Palau Mission Academy on 57 beautiful acres at its present site in Airai State, Babeldaob. When it first opened it was a boarding school. Now it is semi-boarding.
At the present time SDA Elementary School has about 210 students and Palau Mission Academy has 130 students. Even though the majority of the enrollment for both schools consists of local people (Palauans), the schools have enjoyed the multi-nationalities, including Japanese, Americans, Taiwanese, Koreans, Chinese, Aussies, Filipinos, Micronesians, and others.
As Seventh-day Adventists, we recognize the existence of sin and the need for restoration of the divine image in each individual. This restoration is accomplished through the conversion experience and subsequent growth in Christ throughout life. The goals of the schools are for students to cultivate a desire to worship God, to serve humanity, and to be contributing members of a global society. This education prepares the students for a fulfilling life on earth and for eternal life.
Palau Mission Academy has been accredited since 1990. When the school was first started, the Palau Seventh Day Adventist church and its schools, a part of the Guam-Micronesia Mission (GMM) were located in the South Pacific Division. Therefore, PMA was accredited under that division. In 2016 however, Guam - Micronesia Mission along with the churches and schools under GMM were moved to the North America Division. Today, both Palau Mission Academy and the SDA Elementary School are accredited by the North American Division Commission on Accreditation of the Accrediting Association of the Seventh-day Adventist Schools, Colleges and Universities, Inc.