Tuition Information
SY 2020-21

Grades Reg. Fee August Tuition May Tuition Total due at the time of registration
9th - 12th
Palauan Citizen $ 150.00 $ 171.00 $ 171.00 $ 492.00
Non-Citizen $ 150.00 $ 220.00 $ 220.00 $ 590.00

Tuition Payment Schedule

9-12th 9-12th
Palauan Citizen Non-Citizen
September 10th $ 171.00 $ 220.00
October 10th $ 171.00 $ 220.00
November 10th $ 171.00 $ 220.00
December 10th $ 171.00 $ 220.00
January 10th $ 171.00 $ 220.00
February 10th $ 171.00 $ 220.00
March 10th $ 171.00 $ 220.00
April 10th $ 171.00 $ 220.00
8 mos. Tuition Total $ 1,368.00 $ 1,760.00
Initial Payment $ 492.00 $ 590.00
Yearly Fees $ 1,860.00 $ 2,350.00
Foreign Dorm Students Yearly Rate (including registration fees, dorm, tuition, meals, visa fees) $11,500.00
Local Dorm Rates $300.00 or $400.00 Per Month

* Other charges that will come over the course of the school year:

Book rental $70.-150./yr ACT test $ 34.00 Cap & Gown $ 70.50
Yearbook $ 20.00 TOEFL test $ 170.00 Diploma Jacket $ 12.00
Locker rental $ 20.00 SAT test $ 76.00 Transcript(s) $ 5.00
Picnic/field trip $ 15.00


* At the time of registration, you are required to pay the registration fee, first and last
month tuition.
* 50% tuition discount is applicable to the third and subsequent child ( biological or
legally adopted ).
* A $20.00 discount is applicable when tuition for a complete school year is paid in
full on or before September 15.
* Families that live in Koror or Airai and and request for their children to live in the dorm will pay
$400 per month (in addition to registration fees and other charges listed above).
* Families that live in states other than Koror or Airai and and request for their children to live in
the dorm will pay $300 per month (in addition to registration fees and other charges listed above).
* Foreign dorm students must pay tuition in full or at the beginning of each semester.